31 Days to Social Media Nirvana

John Haydon recently completed a 31-day series on how to improve your social media optimization. John, as you know, is a social media strategist who specializes in nonprofits and has an awfully resourceful blog.

He kindly put the 31-day series into a zip file that is free and downloadable for the time being. To download it, click on the green button. Hurry, because it won’t be there long.

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Click to download


Filed under Education and Training, Tools

3 responses to “31 Days to Social Media Nirvana

    • The file was only online for a couple of days. I guess it is now down. Let me see if I can email it to you. Dave

    • I checked and the document is still there. It is a zip file that will download. Once it is on your computer, open the zipped folder. It will be a single document.

      If you have trouble with your zip opener you could try using a different zip opener such as 7-zip .

      If that doesn’t work, please email me at dtinker @ achieva.info. I will be happy to email the unzipped file to you.

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