Tag Archives: eyetrackshop

Five for Friday

I wanted to share some social media tools and nuggets I’ve come across recently.

1. Roost – this social marketing platform allows you to create a marketing campaign. They have free and paid versions (of course with more bells and whistles)

2. Wildfire – allows you to track and monitor social media mentions. manage your social media campaigns, and manage social media pages. Prices vary.

3. EyeTrackShop’s study on how people view your social media page. Fascinating to say the least.

4. MuckRack – tells you what journalists are writing about when they use social media. You can set up a keyword alert, like Google Alerts, and it will tell you in real time. BTW, if you haven’t set up a Google Alert for your agency, you should.

5. EasyChirp – it is an alternative to Twitter but aimed to be used by people with disabilities who may be using access technologies. Until last summer it was called Accessible Twitter. It’s in beta so they are still testing it with end users. Sadly, their website uses disability language that is not person-first.

What have you found recently that you like? Let us know in the comments.

words Social Media Tips from SEO-Alien

from SEO-Alien

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