Tag Archives: jumo

Jumo – Social Media for Nonprofits?

Back in April I posted about a new social media platform, called Jumo, which was being created by one of Facebook’s founders to provide a social media tool to connect individuals with nonprofit organizations and social change.

On November 30, 2010 Jumo launched to the public. It went down shortly thereafter from the inundation of people trying to sign up. I wasn’t able to sign up on the opening day. The launch was timed with a media blitz including stories in the New York Times, Mashable, and Huffington Post.

Ross McCullouch from Glasgow, Scotland who focuses on nonprofits and technology, wrote a great blog post about his impressions of Jumo including the good, the bad and the ugly. The whole post is worth reading.

Copy of Jumo Homepage

Have you signed up on Jumo? If so, what have you been able to do with it to date? Please feel free to share in the comments section.

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There is a new social media tool coming out that aims to connect individuals with charities. It is called Jumo. Jumo is the brainchild of a co-founder of Facebook and mybarackobama.com alum Chris Hughes. His goal is to connect individuals with the social changes that interest them the most. They expect to go live in the Fall but are accepting email addresses for folks who are interested in learning more. Jumo will allow both individuals and organizations to have pages on the site.

I find the prospect of this intriguing. Will it cause a disruptive change for social good? Time will tell. Perhaps it will be the next Cuil. However, I have signed up to get more information and encourage you to do the same with the hopes that this can be more friendly to charities than Facebook has been.

Jumo Logo


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