Tag Archives: sharethis

Share Buttons and Bars

Are you using share buttons and or bars on your websites? They are a key enabler to make your site and it’s content viral, i.e. allowing people who view it to easily share it with others. While you can get all fancy and create your own buttons, bars, or code, you really don’t need to at all. Many companies offer the buttons and bars for free and make it easy for you to use them on your own site so all you have to do is cut and paste the code.

Buttons are little icons that can take people to your social media pages, or to a a tool that allows the viewer to share the page to their friends on their own social media sites. A share bar is a bar that goes on the side or bottom of your webpage. It usually has several buttons all together. A nice example can be found at The Arc of Baltimore’s website. You should put these tools on each of your pages. The nice part about these tools is that they can give you an analysis of which pages are being shared.

Here is a list of some that you might want to check out.

Sharing Tools

Let us know if you have more and we’ll add them to this list.

Time to Share written on a clock face

from Volusion

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Filed under Tools