Tag Archives: recognition

Facebook’s New Facial Recognition

Facebook is rolling out a new tool and everyone is included. But you might not want to be part of this roll out. By default you and every Facebook user is included in Facebook’s new facial recognition tool. This tool scans the pictures you and others post and gives you suggestions on how to tag people in them.

Why is this so important? Facebook is the largest repository of photos online. That’s why.

Images of 6 people with small boxes on their faces representing the recognition tool

from Facebook

If you are concerned about privacy, you may want to edit the default settings. Here’s how to change Facebook’s Facial Recognition’s default setting of including you (from Mashable):

  • Go to your privacy settings.
  • Click “Customize settings.
  • Scroll down to “Things others share.
  • Find “Suggest photos of me to friends.
  • Edit accordingly.

How could this impact you at your agency? Would it make tagging your consumers, volunteers or staff in photos much easier? Do you want them tagged at all? Do they want you tagging them?

Lots of questions. Being a new feature with privacy implications, it is likely Facebook will change the default setting under the pressure of the public like they have done so in the past.

What’s also interesting is Google created a similar tool you could use on smartphones but opted to not release the application.

Share your thoughts and comments about this new tool in our comments section.

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