
Online applications are very helpful tools. The programs are based online and can allow you to do work just by plugging in basic information. Once example is Mention Map. It is an application that shows you current connections for any Twitter username (including your own). Here’s an example: Mention Map for ACHIEVA’s Twitter feed. It works by looking as hastags you use and connections your Twitter account has to create a visual image of your “map”.

How is this helpful for you? You can see who your followers interact with, you can see who might be of interest for you to follow, you can see who is writing about a similar topic or uses similar hashtags, and you can see who might be interested in you without having realized it. It’s a fun tool and I would take a few minutes to play with it.


Filed under Tools

2 responses to “Connections

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Connections « NCE Social Media --

  2. Stacy P.

    Great find! I always love to see the new applications that show this info. I also tend to use Twinfluence and Twitalyzer. I think it also gives great insight into what more you should/could be doing with your Twitter account – are there areas you might need to try harder to reach/have an impact on, etc.

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