Tag Archives: fourquare

Checking In or Checking Out?

The Pew Internet Life Project has release a new study related to location-based check in services such as Gowalla, Foursquare and Facebook Places. It found that adults are 8 times less likely to use a location-based check-in application. Overall, 4% of Americans use location-based check-in tools.

What does that mean to you? It probably means that you should really consider who your target audience really is, and if they are using smartphones prior to embarking on a full fledged location-based program. If your target audience is comprised of younger adults who use smartphones then you should give more serious consideration to location-based check-in applications. If not, then perhaps you should use those energies in your other social media efforts.

If you want to revisit one of my previous posts on the launch of Facebook Places, visit it here.

Graphic from NY Times

image from NY Times

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Filed under Facebook, Marketing and Awareness, Tools