Tag Archives: vkontakte

Social Network Sites Dominate Web Visitor Results

According to Google’s ad planner, social network sites now account for more than 50% of all unique website visitors. This list, which is based on April 2010 data, “excludes adult sites, ad networks, domains that don’t have publicly visible content or don’t load properly, and certain Google sites.” The certain Google sites that were excluded were Google.com and Youtube. Orkut is a Google owned site and it made the list. Still, at more than 50% the majority of web visitors visit social network sites.

Of the top 100 websites, 7 are social media sites. In order they are

  1. Facebook 35.20% of all visitors (#1 overall)
  2. Myspace 4.70% (#26 overall)
  3. Orkut 2.90% (#45 overall)
  4. LinkedIn 2.50% (#56 overall)
  5. Hi5 2.20% (#63 overall)
  6. Renren 2.00% (#70 overall)
  7. Vkontakte.ru 1.70% (#81 overall)

Sites like Twitter, which ranked #18, were classified as an email and messaging site.

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