Tag Archives: nten


Livestreaming is a way to broadcast meetings and events across the internet in real time. Here is a video from NTEN of Maddie Grant interviewing Evonne Heyning about how livestreaming can benefit your organization’s communications and engagement. Maddie works at Socialfish and is someone who knows her stuff when it comes to social media and nonprofits. Evonne is a nonprofit executive who is an expert in livestreaming.

IF you’ve used livestreaming, let us know what tools you use, what you like and the good, the bad and the ugly of your livestreaming efforts.

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Filed under Tools

Holly Ross at NCE

If you were at NCE in Nashville and saw Holly Ross, you will want to see her blog posts about her time with NCE.

Here are her two PowerPoint presentations from it.

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Filed under Education and Training, Tools

The Benefits of the Cloud

Holly Ross, Executive Director of NTEN, a nonprofit dedicated to promoting technology use by nonprofit organizations recently made a presentation at an event hosted by Google, Facebook, and the Salesforce.com Foundation. The presentation focused on using the cloud for nonprofit technology needs. While the cloud poses interesting prospects for us, it is the near future of computing as computer memory continues to get cheaper and more memory can be stored in smaller spaces.

This leads me to ask are you currently using the cloud, and if so how?

Please view the presentation here:


Filed under blog, Education and Training, Marketing and Awareness, Tools

Why I Tweet and other items…

Today’s Wall Street Journal has a great story today on Twitter and how it indicates leadership. The story also explains how Twitter allows anyone to follow you (although you may block them) versus Facebook in which only your friends may follow you.

The story also mentions a blog post by Tony Hsieh, the CEO of Zappos.com. Tony wrote an insightful post on the important role that Twitter has played in his company’s ability to connect with his customers. Tony is considered an innovator in the field of customer service and his use of Twitter is evidence of it.

How do you think it could benefit you reaching out to your customers?

Email and Social Networking
In other news, Read Write Web reports that Social Networking is now more popular that email. Their story includes this nice chart

Now there is a different view point about email still being an important tool. It can drive people to your website and your social media efforts. Amy Sample Ward posts on her web site regarding a webinar series on stepping up your email marketing.

Arc Chapters on Twitter
Finally I want to give a hat tip to two arc chapters that have active Twitter accounts –

  • The Arc of Albany in Albany, GA @AlbanyARC
  • The Arc of Hamilton County, OH (Cincinnati) @TheARChc

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Filed under Education and Training, Facebook, Marketing and Awareness, Microblog, Tools