Tag Archives: commandments

Top Ten for 2011

It would be the end of the year without another Top Ten list. NCE Social Media is no exception.

Here are the top 10 posts from the past year.

10. Google+
9. Social Media Etiquette
8. 10 Commandments of Posting Online
7. Facebook’s EdgeRank
6. Megaphones
5. Social Media as a Fundraising Tool for 2011
4. Setting Up Facebook Fan Pages
3. New Facebook Groups
2. Share Buttons and Bars
1. Is YouTube Making You Money?

What were your favorites?

Top Ten trophy with wings

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Filed under Education and Training, Facebook, Google, Marketing and Awareness, Microblog, Tools

10 Commandments of Posting Online

Here are 10 commandments of posting to social media. If you follow them you will avoid trouble (most of the time).

10. Thou shall not post someone else’s content as your own.

9. Thou shall not complain about work online. Everyone has a bad day at work but bad days last forever online.

8. Thou shall segment your feeds as appropriate so your posts only go to those you want to see them.

7. Thou shall not post embarrassing or inappropriate photos on line, they are on-line forever.

6. Thou shall post unto other’s feeds as you would have them post onto your feed for all to see.

5. Thou shall spell check before your post.

4. Thou shall keep posts to 100 characters or less when wanting them to be retweeted.

3. Thou shall not lie or libel.

2. Thou shall not post to personal social media accounts while at work.

1. Thou shall think twice and post once.

Image of text 10 Commandments with a stone background


Filed under Education and Training